Structure Challenge - 'Completed!'
‘Nature vs. Structures’
Due: Wednesday, May 5, 2010
This group project is broken down into components of structure strength, size and creativity. The students will construct a ‘bridge type’ structure that is made out of a set list of materials. The structure must be able to hold the mass of a textbook and be tall enough to allow a tennis ball to roll under it without touching it.
This culminating task is related to our IB Unit titled ‘Nature vs. Structures’.
Our Central Idea is: Pulleys and Gears enable us to create structures that are able to withstand natural forces that act upon them.
NOTE: You may research different types of structures to best help you design your ‘bridge’.
Structure Title:
Structure Expectation1. Use five sheets of craft paper (60 cm x 46 cm)
2. Use ten popsicle sticks
3. Use ten straws (approx. 25 cm)
4. Use two metres of masking tape
5. Able to hold up a textbook (1.1 Kg)
6. A standard tennis ball able to roll under the supported textbook
7. Maximum size 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm
8. Minimum size 10cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
Other Criteria:One piece of cardboard will be given to each group for additional structure support. 10cm x 30 cm
Teacher comments and Assessment: